by Bernie Gestel
Have you visited the Peace Garden lately? The garden is
located behind the rectory and has evolved through the
years. It started out as a rose garden for Fr. Stephen White
in the early 2000’s ; however due to his failing health he
couldn’t continue to maintain it. At this point several
several parishioners who were Master Gardeners took over.
In 2007 it was decided that the over winter survival of the
roses was poor and so plans began for a spiritual garden.
The central focus would be a statue of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. A slate pathway leading into the garden was
developed with various flowering plants surrounding
which provided a peaceful setting.
The church women’s group and individuals contributed to
the purchase of the statue. The statue arrived during the
winter of 2008-2009. An outdoor blessing was held in the
Spring of 2009. A wrought iron bench and rustic
kneeler were donated to the garden for comfort.
Now that the month of May which is dedicated to Mary,
it would be a good time to visit the Blessed Virgin and
offer your prayers. You might consider using this prayer.
To Our Lady of Peace
Holy Virgin, turn a look of kindness upon those who are in
suffering, who are in the midst of difficulties, who struggle
against misfortunes of this life.
Have pity on those who love and are separated.
Have pity on the loneliness of our hearts.
Have pity on the feebleness of our faith.
Have pity on the object of our tenderness.
Have pity on those who weep, on those who pray,
on those who fear.
Give us the hope of peace in the troubled world of ours.