With the celebration of Easter comes the initiating of candidates more fully into our faith. We welcome Charles Laboda who was confirmed during the Easter Vigil.
Our parish youth recieved the sacrament of Confirmation Friday, April 24th - Bishop Sirba, Lucas Phillips, Roman Schnobrich, Jack Wieben, Sean MacDonell, Deacon Peter, their teacher Mitch Dorr, Madison Roy, Hannah VanderHeiden and Father Walsh are pictured here. May they be true witnesses of Christ and persevere in the mission to spread and defend the faith.
And, On Sunday, April 26th at the 9:00 AM Mass, Rachel Dorr and Molly Quello came to the Lord’s table for the first time to receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Here they are with Deacon Peter, Father Walsh and their teacher, Mrs. Anderson. Please remember them in your prayers as they begin this next step on their baptismal journey.
I was very impressed with Pope Francis’s encouragement of the Sacrament
of Penance—so much so that we see pictures of him going to confession himself. And I extend the same invitation to you this Holy Week. Be sure to check the confession times in this newsletter. Should none of the times suit you, please call me and we’ll set up another time that will fit your schedule.
As Catholics are encouraged to make going to confession a significant part of their lives during Lent, Pope Francis offered some quick tips to help people prepare for the sacrament of penance. After a brief explanation of why people should go to confession -- "because we are all sinners" -- the pope listed
30 key questions to reflect on as part of making an examination of conscience and being able to "confess well. The pope in his homily said Christians need to guard and protect their hearts, "just as you protect your home --
with a lock." "How often do bad thoughts, bad intentions, jealousy, envy enter?" he asked. "Who opened the door? How did those things get in?"
He said the best way to guard one's heart is with the daily practice of an "examination of conscience," in which one quietly reviews what bad things one has done and what good things one has failed to do for God, one's neighbor
and oneself. The questions include:
Catholics should go to confession, the pope said, because everyone needs forgiveness for their sins, for the ways "we think and act contrary to the Gospel."
"Whoever says he is without sin is a liar or is blind.Confession is meant to be a sincere moment of conversion, an occasion to demonstrate trust in God's willingness to forgive his children and to help them back on the path of following Jesus, Pope Francis wrote.
Catholic Relief Services offers some great meal ideas for those who want to spice up Lent a little now that we are half-way through. This is a great opportunity to try something new, learn a little about another country and give alms to the Rice Bowl. Children will really enjoy trying something new if they are learning and helping others at the same time - check it out!
What Does God Want to Give Me This Lent? As Ash Wednesday approaches we often think, “What should I give up for Lent this year?” We may choose to give up candy, sweets, alcohol, coffee or the like. It can be a struggle and we may or may not accomplish our chosen form of self-denial. How many of us, however, return to the old habit when Easter arrives? How about a different approach this year? What if we asked, “What does God want to give me this Lent”?
In his Lenten Message for 2015 Pope Francis tells us that Lent is a “season of grace”. Lent, by means of God’s grace, is meant to transform us –so we too rise to new life in Christ!
So, how do we prepare the soil of our hearts to become more receptive to the gift of God’s grace and receive what God wants to give us this Lent? Each week there will again be Stations (with Benediction) and Wednesday Soup Suppers with a short presentation and discussion, and, the Sunday morning presentations. In addition check out the following:
There are many practices to choose from and many activities to participate in but the important thing is to find what fits you and your family best and get started! May this Lent be a true “season of grace” for each of us, our families, and, for our parishes!