Baptism is the Sacrament of Initiation in which we are welcomed into the church and become one in Jesus Christ. Through Baptism we are reborn as God's children and our sins are washed away. We also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who will accompany us on our life's journey.
Adults interested in Baptism or initiation into the church, or who wish to know more about the Catholic Church, are welcome to participate in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. Contact Father for more information.
Parents seeking Baptism for their child should contact the pastor to set up pre-Baptism instruction and set a date for the Baptism. In the baptism of infants it is customary for parents to choose two god-parents who will serve as good examples and encourage their child in the Christian life. At least one god-parent should be a fully initiated and practising Catholic, that is, confirmed and participating regularly in the Eucharist.
Though Baptism is received only once we have an opportunity to renew our Baptismal Promises at the Easter Vigil during the Easter season, and, whenever a Baptism occurs within the Sunday liturgy. Our life in Christ is something to be celebrated and as we journey together we inevitably help one another to keep our light shining brightly.